Tag Archives: Sisters in Crime

Wow. Reposted on Sisters in Crime.

Since coming back from Bouchercon, I have been overwhelmed with real life – mostly work, but also laundry, grocery-shopping (almost $300 last night, since we didn’t shop at all last weekend and were out of EVERYTHING, including toilet paper), etc.  Plus I had 5 Chicago Tribunes and New York Times to read.  As I said, overwhelming.

So I haven’t posted (guilt, shame).  But I did have good news – the Sisters in Crime blog asked to repost my post about the pre-Bouchercon SINC writers’ workshop.  This led to 1) my feeling validated about my position in the world (I am reposted, therefore I am), and 2) me joining the Guppies – for writers who haven’t had a book published yet.  I feel a little old to be a guppy but figure I can always learn something more, and the dues are only $12/year.

But I was embarrassed to see that they lifted the photo from my “About” page – not that I don’t look awesome, but I don’t generally run about looking as if I have just triumphed in some bizarre writerly athletic event.  So here are some potential new profile pictures.  Feel free to vote.

Most recent pic. New glasses?

After I got my hair back.

Cam & Me in Central Park

With pal Mark Rubin, pretty recent.

Just Kidding. But super-cute, right?

With my brother. Insanity is genetic.