Tag Archives: Lawrence Block


I get quite a few blogs fed to me.  Many, many, many.  So many things to read that I am in danger of dropping the ball, metaphorically speaking.

The ones I keep up with on a daily basis include Penelope Trunk, Young House Love, Aesthetic Outburst, The Tipsy Baker, Teal and Lime, Rosabeth Moss Kanter on HBR, Bob Sutton.  These are fun blogs (mostly) with a little edification thrown in.

I also have blogs from writers, editors, publishers, agents, etc.  I have so many of these, and so many of them have multiple contributors, that I am getting buried.  But how can I not keep getting The Outfit– a blog from fellow Chicago mystery writers?  Or Nathan Bransford‘s blog?  And all the stuff from Writer’s Digest?  Lauren B. Davis‘ View from the Library Window?  Not to mention A. Victoria Mixon or the ever-popular Chuck Sambuchino’s Guide to Agents?  Oh, and Larry Block.  I have to take care, or reading about writing is what I’ll do instead of writing.  It is possible to do this for months on end.

But the real downer is the sheer volume of unread posts from Design Mom, Design Seeds, Letters of Note and worst of all… Apartment Therapy.  I think my Pinterest obsession has displaced Apartment Therapy.  I seriously have 1,413 unread posts from that feed alone.  No wait, 1,414.  No wait, 1,415.
