Monthly Archives: January 2010

Quickie Spellman update

No sooner do I write about the new Izzy Spellman book* than I receive my quarterly Lutzletter, in which author Lisa Lutz vows to publish a new Spellman book every month in 2010.  Of course, this is asterisked with a “not really.”  She also announces her book tour to promote the new book, The Spellmans Strike Again.

Drat and double drat!  Lisa will be here in Chicago on March 23 and 24.  Of course, I won’t be here.   I will be in the Big Apple** with my performance-mad son, dashing madly from one Broadway show to another, while simultaneously ripping up 100 dollar bills.  (I may as well.)

The tour begins March 16 in LA and ends April 15 in New York City.  To see the Lutzletter and check the dates for your city, click here!

*Revenge of the Spellmans

** New York City