Monthly Archives: April 2010

Lunchbox scores on Edgars calls

The Mystery Writers of America Edgars Awards news is out!  And I totally called it for Best Novel and Best First Novel by an American Author.

John Hart took the prize for Best Novel, and he was #1 in my ranking.  The Last Child is a great police procedural, and so much more, thanks to interesting characters and the inclusion of a compelling child’s POV.  Click here for my review.  It’s everywhere in paperback, so if you haven’t read it, hie thee to the local Borders.

Stefanie Pintoff’s In the Shadow of Gotham took Best First Novel by an American Author, and deservedly so.   It was tops in my ranking, too!   It was a great debut.  While I am not a fan of historical mysteries in general, this one was so compelling and well-written that I was glued to the pages.  (Metaphorically.)  Read my review here.

Other Edgar recipients were announced as well, including Marc Strange’s Body Blows for Best Paperback Original and Dave Cullen’s Columbine for Best Fact Crime.  For the full listing of Edgar awards, visit the MWA site!